
At Prior Weston we want all children to enjoy Maths and have a range of skills that they can apply to a range of problems and contexts with confidence. We would like children to see how Maths in used in the wider world and where possible learn concepts in context.

Maths is taught daily at Prior Weston. All teachers follow the National Curriculum objectives to ensure that children are reaching their age related expectations. Children use a range of concrete materials to help to develop their understanding of mathematical concepts. Children often work in pairs or groups to discuss and problem solve together. Problem solving and reasoning opportunities are given throughout the week as well as longer problem solving tasks being set.

Children also have a daily mental maths sessions that focus on developing rapid recall of key maths facts that can support them when tackling more difficult concepts. These sessions are fast paced and fun to motivate children and give them opportunities for daily practice.

Calculation Policy

Yearly Overview

KS2 Calculation Policy Family Workshop Presentation

Going for Gold

Going for Gold is an initiative to support children in learning key maths facts. There are 3 levels, each level has a bronze, silver or gold test. Once children have practised these facts and feel confident that they can recall them rapidly children put their names in a box. A member of the Senior Leadership Team will then test the child and if they answer all of the questions correctly then they receive a certificate and a badge. So far over 300 badges and certificates have been given out!

Going for Gold Pack Mental Maths Pack for Levels 1 - 3 (including platinum levels)

Going for Gold Pack Practice Pack for Level 1

Going for Gold Pack Practice Pack for Level 2

Going for Gold Pack Practice Pack for Level 3

"Leaders and members of the governing body have created an ambitious curriculum, including in the early years."

- Ofsted, 2022