If you have any questions or concerns, please speak directly to your child's class teacher. They will be more than happy to help you in any way possible. If you require a longer discussion or the subject matter is more private then you can ask to meet with the teacher. Again, they will do everything possible to help you or point you in the right direction for help and assistance.

On very rare occasions, it might be necessary to discuss your concerns with the Head or Deputy Head Teachers. In this situation, please make a request at the main reception to make an appointment to meet them.

If your child needs to take medicine in school...

The school can only administer prescription medicine. Firstly, please come to the main office and fill out a medical form, this then needs to be handed into the class teacher alongside the prescribed medicine. Medicines can then be stored safely in school, where it is possible to refrigerate them. Please make sure all medicines are clearly labelled with your child's full name and class.

If you need to request special leave for your children during term time...

If you need your children to be absent from school during term time, please fill in a special leave form (also available at the Main Office). Please note that we do not authorise any holidays during term time. For more information, please see the attendance page.

If you move house or change your mobile/home telephone number...

It is very important to let the main school office know as soon as possible, just in case we need to contact you whilst your child is in school. Please call us or pop in to let us know.

If you are running late bringing or picking up your child from school...

We understand that sometimes unforeseen circumstances can mean that you are late to drop off or pick up your child. If/when this does happen, please contact us as soon as possible to let us know.

If your child is too sick to come to school...

Please let us know as soon as possible, either in person at the school office or by calling 020 7786 4800 and choosing option 1 for Prior Weston and Children's Centre, and then option 2 for the absence line.

If your child is ill in school and needs to go home...

If your child becomes poorly in school, the main office or the child's class teacher will call you to come and pick her/him up. Please report to the main office when you arrive and we will fetch your child for you.

If the school needs to close because of snow or an emergency...

If this is the case we will text all parents as soon as we have any information about school closure. It is very important we have your most recent mobile number in order for us to do this.

If a club is cancelled...

If we know in enough time, we will put this information in the weekly newsletter, on the MLE and on the notices section of the plasma screen in the entrance hall. If it is more last minute, we will make sure that we call or text you to let you know.

If your child walks home on their own...

Only children from Year 5 and 6 are given the option to walk home alone and parents/carers must give permission first by filling in a home alone form. The child will then receive a photo home alone ID card that will be distributed by the class teacher on the correct days and handed back to the staff on the front door by the child as they leave school.  Staff will only allow them to leave school alone on the days agreed and authorised by parents/carers.

"For my family it has been a fantastic safe and engaging place to come, a weekly event to do as a family"

- Claudia, a parent talking about Stay and Play at the Children's Centre