Supporting Your Child At Home

The happiest and most successful children know that their family supports them and shows an interest in their day to day school life.

  • Talk to your child about what they are doing at school.
  • Encourage them to find out things for themselves.
  • Read books with your child. Take them to the local library and help them to choose books.
  • Let your child help you in the kitchen and when you are doing other work in the home.
  • Listen to your child. Encourage them to ask questions. If you do not have the answer, why not find out together?

Free Digital Resources

You can find resources to support your children on the LGfL website. If you have lost your child’s log in details, please ask their class teacher for a copy.

These resources can be used without an LGfL login:

Digital 5 A Day

The Digital 5 A Day from the Chidren's Commissioner, provides a simple framework that reflects the concerns of parents/ carers as well as children’s behaviours and needs. It can also act as a base for family agreements about internet and digital device use throughout both the holidays and term time.

NSPCC Online Safety Helpline

If you have a question about parental controls or concern about a social network your child uses, expert advisors at the NSPCC free helpline are there to help - 0808 8005002.

Minimum Age Requirements for Apps

Did you know the minimum age requirement for most social networks and some apps is 13?

The NSPCC Net Aware site list apps, their age requirements and tips for help keep children safe while using them.


Homework reinforces what your child is learning in school. It also gives you a chance to become involved in the learning process.

Talking to parents and families can be the most valuable homework of all for children, especially if parents show interest and play an active role by asking children questions about their day.

Homework is set regularly from Year 1 to Year 6 and can be set in many different forms with varied outcomes. It may not always come in the form of a written task; it could be a practical task to be fed back orally, or a special task such as a Maths and Science Week family project. In Key Stage 1 (Reception to Year 2) reading is the most important homework. Your child will always have a book from school in his or her book bag - try to read the book together every night.

The nature and type of Homework changes as the pupil gets older. Homework should not cause children (or parents!) stress or concern: please come and speak to your child’s class teacher if there are any issues.

Parents/carers can support their child’s learning by ensuring homework is completed and handed in on time, and by supervising, encouraging and praising their child. As children progress through the school it is important that they become increasingly more independent in their learning.

"Leaders have organised the curriculum so that pupils are prepared for life in modern Britain."

- Ofsted, 2022