The School Day

Before and After School

Classrooms open to our pupils and their parents/carers at 8:45am, with an 'Early Birds' service running from 8.00am, in which you can book a place for your child. This provides time for meeting and greeting one another, and provides opportunities for learning through talk, play and investigation.

After the school day is over, we provide an after-school club called 'Night Owls', available to parents and carers for a small charge, which is available until 5.55pm.

The School Day

8.00 - 8.45am

Early Birds (Extended Day)


Soft Start


School Starts


Nursery and Reception Lunch (1 hour)


Years 1 and 2 Lunch (1 hour)


Years 3 - 6 Lunch (1 hour)

3.20 - 3.30pm

End of the School Day

3.30 - 6pm

Night Owls (Extended Day)

"Children thrive at this school"

- Ofsted, 2022