
Prior Weston has a strong Governing Body made up of teachers, parents, LA (Local Authority) representatives and members of the local community.

Person Specification for New Governors

Governors' Register of Business Interest - 2023-24


Fiona MacCorquodale


Tom Bishai

Chair of Governors

Tom Bishai became a governor of Prior Weston in 2018 and sits on the Finance and Community Engagement committees. Tom is a solicitor and works for Heathrow Airport as Senior Finance Counsel. Prior to joining Heathrow, Tom was a senior associate with CMS Cameron McKenna specialising in...

Emma Booty

Co-Opted Governor

Emma Booty is a parent governor, with two daughters at Prior Weston, in years 2 and 5. Previously, they were both at the Children's Centre so the campus has been a huge part of the family's life for the past eight years. Emma's professional life is as a designer and creative director

Grazia Piras

Co-Opted Governor

I have been a parent of a child attending Prior Weston since 2017 and a governor since 2018. During the past year, I have seen the school going through several changes, it is steadily improving thanks to the new and vibrant leadership. My professional life is split between researching in forestry...

Fiona Meyringer

Co-opted Governor

Fiona became a co-opted governor of Prior Weston in 2019. She lives locally and is an employment lawyer by profession. Her passion is music: she plays piano, flute and accordion, sings with a couple of choirs, and organises annual carol-singing locally in aid of Barnardo’s.

William Pimlott

Co-opted Governor

William Pimlott is a PhD Student at UCL studying Immigration and British Jewish History - he has recently returned from study semesters at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and at Yale University in the US. He had the honour and delight of attending Prior Weston from 1997-2003, and is excited to...

James Dobias

Co-Opted Governor

Richard Trotman

Co-Opted Governor

Phil Graham

Local Authority Governor

Hannah Perkins

Staff Governor

Amra Topcagic

Parent Governor

Zeynab Sharif

Parent Governor

The Governors Composition List includes details of our Governors terms of office, the committees they sit on and type of Governors that they are.

Parent governors are elected by parents, Co-opted Governors, elected by the board members and LA Governor are appointed by the LA.

Committees List - January 2021

Full Governing Body Minutes

We publish the full governing body minutes to keep everyone up to date.



"Staff are experts at teaching phonics"

- Ofsted, 2022