Ancient Greek Adventures at the British Museum

Temple Class visited the British Museum on Tuesday 16th June to support our topic of Ancient Greece. To help the children explore some of the wonderful artefacts in the museum, we completed a trail. The children had to match photos to a range of historical objects and then work out what they were and sometimes link them to modern versions. The children found a helmet given to the god Zeus, a tiny statue from the city of Sparta, a piece of the Parthenon that looks like lego, and they also worked out how many columns the Parthenon had! In the Parthenon gallery, we were even able to stop for a short break to make drawings of some of the stone carvings. The challenge was to find all the answers to the trail to get a prize - it will be tricky to decide on which group won as everyone worked very hard and found all the objects!

"I think it taught us a lot about old ancient Greece. I didn't know a necklace could be made in Egypt and found in Cyprus." - Eva

"I liked that there were bits of the Parthenon. In our trail, there were lots of different things I didn't know, like the Sparta statue with the spear and the helmet that was offered to Zeus - the God of the sky." - Lucian


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